
My little "nook"

Just when I have finally found peace living alone, my time living alone is almost up as this semester will be coming to an end in only a month. I thought I would document my first solo place a bit here in order to remember it.

My very favorite part about this apartment which sits on Main Street across from the lake in a little college town in Wisconsin is the 18 foot ceilings, the old school B&W tile floor in the kitchen and the little "nook" in the living room loft I created. Since the ceilings are so high, I assume the loft is about 15 feet up in the air, just big enough for a twin size mattress.

 I filled this little, comfy space with a lot of traveling memories, and it is the perfect place to read, write, and of course - dream...

 Ladder leading up to the little nook...

All the pictures on the wall are from magazines from Spain or France.
The white, sparkly hanging shawl is from my favorite vintage store in Paris.

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