
My “New reader? START HERE!” post!!!

The very beginning… What this blog is all about

Hi. I’m Katelynn, and I am so glad you are here.

So, I have this thing for special needs babies and orphans in Africa.
 (OK, I guess you could call it an obsession.)
Although I am not the best writer, far from the most educated girl you will encounter and am the worst person with being on time of anyone in the WORLD – I do have an enormous hope for change...
No one is perfect and who would I be helping with this blog anyways if I claimed to ever have it all going on? So, I have decided to make this blog as honest and real as they come.

Born in Wisconsin, homeschooled for 8 years before attending “real” high school and college, who fell in love with traveling in college after living in Monterey, San Francisco, Barcelona and Paris within a 3 year gap (normally with just enough money to survive - talk about some CRAZY adventures I need to write down!)

I guess I am not so “normal” come to think of it, because I do think that the majority of girls my age plan their future dreaming about
a reliable job, the hunk that will sweep them off their feet, weddings, babies, the picket fence, and the nice vacations they will take (every so often when they can get off work.)
Not me.

You see, all I can seem to be able to dream about is
Africa.. and how I am so unwilling to have been blessed with SO MUCH STUFF (material junk) when there are kids over there with no mommy, dinner or shoes.

But enough about me!  “ME” is not what this blog is about – this blog is about Him and about bringing

Love &

to the children who literally have NOTHING.

Children like ….

Sweet Zak; Who when found weighed 30 lbs at 10 years old, and was not being fed…
because of his disability.
Zak is now at the brand new Ekisa orphanage and doing well! Ekisa, is one of the FEW orphanages for special needs children which was opened by a 22 year old girl from Indiana who BELIEVED she could make a difference, and stepped out in faith and has accomplished with God’s help the unimaginable!
Now, normally when I start talking about my passion for disabled children in Africa [to be treated as worthwhile and understood rather than stigmatized, and many times abused and starved – more on that later though] I normally get asked – well, have you ever been to Africa?
 “I am going.”
It feels so weird saying that, because for as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with this passion (so much so I even chose my major because of it) and to admit I have not been in Africa yet boggles my mind, and perhaps the mind of others as well.
But, then I remember…
 that I am “only” 23
that timing is truly everything
and that the time,
Won’t you PLEASE come along with me on this journey? It is sure to be one heck of an adventure, and I would love to have you along for the ride!

I thought this was important to share,
a beautiful description, written by a native of Africa. <33


My little "nook"

Just when I have finally found peace living alone, my time living alone is almost up as this semester will be coming to an end in only a month. I thought I would document my first solo place a bit here in order to remember it.

My very favorite part about this apartment which sits on Main Street across from the lake in a little college town in Wisconsin is the 18 foot ceilings, the old school B&W tile floor in the kitchen and the little "nook" in the living room loft I created. Since the ceilings are so high, I assume the loft is about 15 feet up in the air, just big enough for a twin size mattress.

 I filled this little, comfy space with a lot of traveling memories, and it is the perfect place to read, write, and of course - dream...

 Ladder leading up to the little nook...

All the pictures on the wall are from magazines from Spain or France.
The white, sparkly hanging shawl is from my favorite vintage store in Paris.


Easter weekend in pictures

Here is my Easter weekend in pictures :-) Happy Easter everyone!

"Home sweet home. This is the place to find happiness. If one doesn't find it here, one doesn't find it anywhere." M. K. Soni

Kiss, kiss!
- Kate